Jared Simpson couldn't afford a $10 bar tab. OK, that's happened before. No big deal. But it turned into a big deal when he tried to pay it using a rock ... and when that doesn't work, let's try a fake bomb!

The 23-year-old Tallahassee, Fla., man couldn't pay his tab, so he left only to return with a payment that would make the Flintstones proud. But naturally the bartender refused payment, so Simpson said he'd be back. When he returned, to no surprise, the card didn't work. He left again, and later returned looking spifflicated in a suit and carrying a briefcase which he sat on the bar and warned, "Anyone who goes near this will die."

Like all happy endings, police apprehended Simpson, the bar was evacuated, a bomb squad checked out the briefcase declaring it wasn't a bomb and everyone was safe. Simpson was charged with making bomb threats, disorderly conduct, ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation and of course, arrested. Word has it that after he was arrested, he did have a "dirty bomb"... in his pants.

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