'Happy Earth Day!' This is the day that helps bring awareness to our earth. I love going camping but, when I get to my favorite place, I end up spending a good hour cleaning up after the person that was there last. Nothing makes me more mad. Garbage, clutter, etc. is what messes with our air and our earth.

Earth day is a reminder of what we need to to every single day to make our wonderful earth better. I am a short cut kinda of person so if I can recycle then you can. Here are some of the ways you can help with garbage and clutter in your own back yard.

Start by getting 5 larger trash bins. You probably already have one for actual garbage. SO the first one you label 'garbage.'  We are going to use the other 4 to recycle.

On the second one label it 'glass.' If you don't know, glass is very easily recycled.  The experts can use the glass that we don't want to recreate many things including more glass. Glass includes jars and even broken glass that you find on the ground.

On the third one, label it 'paper.' Half of the paper bags that we use is recycled paper. I also have a pair of pants that was made from paper. The feel really good.

On the fourth one, label it 'plastic' and as you already know, recycled plastic can be used for a ton of things.

On the fifth one, label it 'metal.' This stuff will be a little harder to find since most of the stuff we use is metal and we do not need to recycle them. When you do find metal, keep it in your bin.

After you have filled this, Yakima Valley and Tri-Cities has road side pick up for you so you don't need to take it anywhere.

This is an amazing way to keep our earth and our surroundings nice and tidy and have a fantastic yard.

Happy Earth Day and may the odds be ever in our favor.


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