Disclaimer: This idea is mine and mine alone. It's not something I've done nor would I do, but intended as just an idea on an easy way to save gas. Don't blame us if it backfires on you.

With the price of gas, nobody blames you on trying to find the cheapest gas you can or ways you can save money on gas. Plenty of stores offer gas intensives for shopping there, giving you so many cents off a gallon as a reward. Here's a quick step-by-step guide on how you can take advantage of this. It all starts at the store that offers you gas rewards. In Yakima, we have Safeway, Albertson's and Fred Meyer that I know of off the top of my head.

  • 1

    Find Someone With A Shopping Cart Full of Food

    In order to get the greatest gas rewards, you need to spend a lot of cash at that grocery store. If you're like me, you need cheap gas because you don't have the kind of cash to buy a lot at a grocery store so find someone else with a shopping cart full of items. If it's a little old lady, even better.

    Flickr, phil_g
    Flickr, phil_g
  • 2

    Get Behind Them In Line

    You need to at least buy something to just grab a pack of gum or a bottle of Mountain Dew - anything is fine. Just stand in line behind them. Even if they offer to let you go through first, just politely decline, stating you have all the time in the world. You'll need to be within ear shot of the person in front of you. Pay attention.

    Flickr, redjar
    Flickr, redjar
  • 3

    When The Cashier Asks For Their Phone Number, Remember It!

    More often than not, the person with a mound of food in their shopping cart won't have their rewards card on them so they'll opt to just tell the person at the check stand their phone number - out loud. Now, if they use their rewards card, abort mission and find someone else, you need that phone number. Some locations allow you to type in your phone number in the debit machine, watch out for those, too.

    scx, dspruitt
    scx, dspruitt
  • 4

    Use That Phone Number At The Gas Pump

    Here's the part that gets shady. That little old lady's phone number, the one she said out loud, that's your gas rewards number to use. You'll need to use that gas station from the store whether it's the Safeway on 24th and Nob Hill or on Mead, Fred Meyer or the Albertson's on 16th and Lincoln, you would save a few cents. Depending on how much they have in gas rewards (which is why you wanted to find someone with a lot of groceries), you can save .10 cents a gallon, sometimes. Again, this is completely immoral and probably illegal, but I bet it would work. I would never do this, but the idea crossed my mind the other day.

    Photo by John Riggs
    Photo by John Riggs

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