Police in Scranton, Pa., believe a man may have accidentally cut the brakes on his girlfriend's car when he tore a piece of metal from the underside to fashion a crack pipe.

John Jenkins, 39, said his girlfriend was "driving him crazy" because she wanted to smoke crack and couldn't find a proper pipe.

Jenkins thought cutting anything from under the vehicle would be fine for smoking crack, although the genius had absolutely zero knowledge of cars or how they work, according to reports.

Tammy Fox was going approximately 50-60 mph when she crashed her vehicle into parked cars and a tree. She died on the way to the hospital.

Jenkins thought cutting anything under the vehicle would be fine for smoking crack, although he has no knowledge of cars, according to reports.

Jenkins has been charged with homicide, as it was also revealed he tried to run the victim off the road last month, and friends of the deceased aren't buying the crack pipe metal story. They say the cutting of the brake line was premeditated.

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