foos & brews

Last call
Last call
Last call
Sorry, kids -- it's last call. Last chance for you to score some free passes to America On Tap and get yourself in the running for Foo Fighters tickets just for guessing a beer's style by its color. So here goes one more throw. Look over today's brew, make your guess, then call Todd and Andy -- 972-5287 -- when you think you know...
Try again
Try again
Try again
So Tuesday we learned how similar stouts and dark ales (in that case a Scottish ale) can look. Now let's take a peek at today's mystery brew. Same drill: Look it over, make your guess about what style it is, then call Todd and Andy -- 972-5287 -- when you think you know...
What'll it be?
What'll it be?
What'll it be?
Lotta people have a taste for beer -- but how's your eye? Can you tell a porter from a pilsner just by looking? Take a gander at this tasty-looking glass of beer, then take a guess at what style it is. Call Todd and Andy when you know -- 972-5287 Get it right and you'll win yourself a pair of tickets to this Saturday's America On Tap beer-tasting festival in downtown Yakima and a shot at winning b