
Hard to beat
Hard to beat
Hard to beat
Marketing and advertising agencies get paid BIG BUCKS to develop themes, slogans, commercials and campaigns to promote everything from toothpaste to state fairs. To think that no one -- NO ONE -- balked at the logo for this year's Iowa State Fair says that they're either a.) completely oblivious or b.) have a REALLY twisted sense of humor! See for yourself why, in their words, "nothing compar
Best High School Logo? [POLL]
Best High School Logo? [POLL]
Best High School Logo? [POLL]
I love sports logos! It's probably because I've been a Los Angeles Rams fan since I could walk. I still own a replica Rams helmet with white horns. Former Rams halfback Fred Gerhrke created the first helmet logo in the NFL when he painted ram horns on the side of their helmets back in 1948...
Six Hidden Messages In Famous Logos
Six Hidden Messages In Famous Logos
Six Hidden Messages In Famous Logos
Logos are so much more than just "the look" of one's business. They can also tell the story, be creative or, if the graphic designer has lots of free time, incorporate hidden messages and meanings that most people would just pass over. Here's a few logos you may see every day and what's hidden in them. I'll forewarn...