Whether you are superstitious or not, Friday the 13th is a day that brings a certain sense of dread.  Especially if you, like me, are a child of the 80's and your introduction to the "slasher" genre of film was the "Friday the 13th" franchise.

To this day, the name Jason Voorhees still makes me not want to go camping.  It especially makes me not want to have sex while camping!  It seems that was the time and place when Jason was most likely to strike!  And not just strike, but kill you in the most gruesomely creative manner possible.

Without further adieu on this Friday the 13th, enjoy virtually EVERY kill shot, back-to-back in chronological order (exactly how many of those movies have they made anyway?!?!) from virtually every flick!

Ch-ch-ch-chhh...  Ah-ah-ah-ahhhhh...

[WARNING: Graphic video - Not for the squeamish]

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