Local Funny Gets Big Laughs!
Great comics have been gracing the stage of Yakima's Laugh Lounge ever since it opened earlier this year, and this weekend a man who grew up in the West Valley area and has been making quite a name for himself throughout the Northwest took up he spotlight! The man is Jonas Barnes and he brought down the house Friday night cracking wise on everything from finance and homophobia to religious holidays and things to expand your mind.
With Lauryn Petrie kickin' ass and taking names featuring for Jonas, these two are about to embark on a journey to rock New York and "cut their comedy teeth." But first, catch them one more time before their grand adventure as they take the stage again tonight (Saturday 8/9) at The Laugh Lounge.
For more info check out YakimaLaughLounge.com and the YouTube clip below of Mr. Jonas Barnes.