True Believers know aliens are among us or are they? Washington State is the largest in the nation and even the world for UFO sightings, does this mean aliens are among us or something else? Seeing is believing so here are Four cities where you can spot a UFO in Washington!
Have too much sitting around your home? It's time to donate those old clothes taking up space in your closet and let them find a new home right here in the Yakima Valley, with three places you can donate to right now.
Memorial Day is, obviously, today, but, more importantly, it's about remembering those who served. Some are no longer with us.
I'd like to share a couple of men whom I will especially be thinking of. In fact, they are the men that put the "E" in Todd E. Lyons.
This Armed Forces Day, a free will clinic will be offered to military vets and their spouses in the cafeteria at Davis High School this Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
As we pause to give thanks, take inventory of our lives and count our blessings this Thanksgiving holiday, it's always appropriate to be aware of those around us who might be suffering or do not have their most beloved around any more.
Veterans Day is, obviously, today, but, more importantly, it's about remembering those who served. Many are no longer with us.
I'd like to share a couple of men whom I will especially be thinking of. In fact, they are the men who put the "E" in Todd E. Lyons.
Hopefully you'll rock out with KATS this Memorial Day weekend and, hopefully, you'll remember those who have fought and died while in service to our country.
Veterans Day is, obviously, today, but, more importantly, it's about remembering those who served. Some are no longer with us.
I'd like to share a couple of men whom I will especially be thinking of. In fact, they are the men that put the "E" in Todd E. Lyons.
Pfc. Bradley Manning has just been handed a 35 year prison sentence by a military judge this morning for his role in releasing classified documents to the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks.