I was out and about, ordering another pizza birria at Don Cheo's when I noticed a couple behind me ready to place their order as well. As I was waiting I overhead the guy mention, as if he was talking to a child, that it was a little warm outside...
Ready to get a new tattoo? Well, you're in luck because we have some great ideas for different and new tattoos you can get to say you're from the Pacific Northwest!
With the stay home order in place forcing us to entertain ourselves much more than normal (whatever that is!), many have turned to binge-watching TV shows. But what about our pets? How are they reacting to this new scenario? My cats, brothers Marmalade and Marmaduke, are starting to lose it during the shelter-in-place orders. In a desperate effort to get some things done around the house without constant kitty cravings, my wife stumbled across an eight hour YouTube video called "Videos for Cats to Watch" and the cats have been MESMERIZED!
You’ve probably heard that red cars get more speeding tickets, and that they cost more to insure. Contrary to popular belief, neither of these oft-quoted arguments against going red are true.