Liquor Scandal Scheme Uncovered in OREGON!Liquor Scandal Scheme Uncovered in OREGON!A secret buddy system was discovered, letting certain public officials buy up all the good stuff before the public could.Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Get A Ticket Yakima? Police Say Emphasis Patrols Are WorkingGet A Ticket Yakima? Police Say Emphasis Patrols Are WorkingCurrently Seely says he's divided the city into four areas assigning a Lieutenant to each area.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
It’s Almost Time To Declare Victory in The Schneider Springs BlazeIt’s Almost Time To Declare Victory in The Schneider Springs BlazeThe fire was 49% contained on Tuesday. Today the fire is at 55% containment with more containment expected Today. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
5 Things People In Yakima Say On A Friday Night5 Things People In Yakima Say On A Friday NightCongratulations, y'all, we made it to the weekend!Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio