daylight saving time

Daylight Saving Time May be Ending in WA This Year
Daylight Saving Time May be Ending in WA This Year
Daylight Saving Time May be Ending in WA This Year
Spring forward. Fall backward. And, if this new bill passes, we can just stay right where we are with your antiquated version of time hokey pokey. For years, Daylight Saving was a way to have more natural light during the day and into the night...
When Do We Set our Clocks Back in Fall for Daylight Saving Time 2023?
When Do We Set our Clocks Back in Fall for Daylight Saving Time 2023?
When Do We Set our Clocks Back in Fall for Daylight Saving Time 2023?
The idea of Daylight Saving Time (not Daylight Savings Time as so many say and type) is an ancient tradition that needs to be abolished. Well, maybe not that harsh, but still. For over 100 years we, along with many other countries, spring forward and fall back every year for the notion of having extra day light in spring and summer and lose the light in fall and winter...
Are We ‘Springing Forward’ For the Last Time Sunday?
Are We ‘Springing Forward’ For the Last Time Sunday?
Are We ‘Springing Forward’ For the Last Time Sunday?
I certainly won't be the first and likely will not be the last to remind you to be sure, before you tuck yourself into bed Saturday night, to set your clocks ahead one hour. Yes, it's time for us to 'spring forward' into Daylight Saving Time. That's Saving - not savings - as I often hear so many people wrongfully say. We're saving time, not taking time to save.