Firefighters Battle Flames and Wind in Early Morning FireFirefighters Battle Flames and Wind in Early Morning FireDamage is estimated at $250,000. The cause remains under investigation.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima Firefighters Recognized During Award CeremonyYakima Firefighters Recognized During Award CeremonyThe award ceremonies can be viewed at YFD 2019 Awards – YouTubeLance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima Firefighters Warn of Cooking Fires on ThanksgivingYakima Firefighters Warn of Cooking Fires on ThanksgivingCooking equipment is involved in almost half of all reported home fires and home fire injuries. It is the second leading cause of home fire deaths.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Fake Face Mask Exempt Cards Are Popping Up in Washington StateFake Face Mask Exempt Cards Are Popping Up in Washington StateSomeone created these fake cards trying to use the American Disabilities Act as an excuse to not wear a face mask during COVID-19.Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio