Dwayne The Rock Johnson has struck gold with his new DC Supervillain movie, that's right a movie solely dedicated to a supervillain and it stars The Rock, Here's where you can watch it in Yakima!
Stop before you throw anything else away, and make sure you're not breaking the law while disposing of anything. This list has 6 things you legally can't throw away.
Do you have rattlesnakes at your house? I do -- a ton of 'em! It is as if the rattlesnake population is only at my house! I killed three Monday morning and as you can see in the photo, another one Tuesday! It climbed into my rabbit cage and killed my mama rabbit just out my back door! Ewwwww!
I guess in some ways I am old school. Fire and brimstone. Eye for an eye. I do believe that people in some form or fashion should be forgiven, though, so maybe I am not all that Old Testament. But Charles Manson ... really? He shouldn't even still be alive. Not to mention the fact that the prison is allowing him to get married.