
Come get a job
Come get a job
Come get a job
I am always hearing people say that they can never find a job. Is the average Yakima person just picky on what job they want, or are there truly no jobs out there for anyone? Well , I am here to tell you that jobs are there are.
Want More Paid Time Off Work?  Move to France!
Want More Paid Time Off Work? Move to France!
Want More Paid Time Off Work? Move to France!
Do you ever feel like you are overworked and underpaid?  Well, if you live in the United States, you probably are getting shafted when it comes to vacation days and paid holidays - at least, compared to the rest of the world.
12 People Who Did an Excellent Job of Quitting
12 People Who Did an Excellent Job of Quitting
12 People Who Did an Excellent Job of Quitting
We saw this amazing resignation cake and got inspired. Not to quit our jobs, but to admire the ways others have in the past. Our most "creative" quit was telling the owner of a Chinese buffet over the phone that they couldn't yell at us anymore, because we quit so there. Compared to these, that just isn't that impressive.

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