If you've got a need for more Mass Effect, then you might be interested to know that BioWare is considering a remaster and is polling fans on desired features.
Fem Shep, (Short for Female Shepard) is the hero of the Galaxy, against the Reapers... that is IF you decide to be a female character in the hit video game series Mass Effect!
She's saved the world with a nerd in Chuck & Has saved the universe with nerds controlling Shepherd in Mass Effect! Now get to see her as a Basement Babe in all of her lady from down under hotness! Get your hairballs now in the KAT HOUSE for Yvonne Strahovski, your Basement Babe for Thursday (7/18)...
I don't know if it's because she's so damn hot... or if it's because I screwed up last night... but hey why not! Get your hairballs now in the KAT HOUSE for your Basement Babe for Wednesday (7/18), Liara T'Soni!
*** UPDATE: if you were unable to get Hairballs from 9pm till 12 midnight on Tuesday Night...
Anyone who's played the video game "Mass Effect" knows Liara... as she's the love interest (and the less bitchy choice) of the 1st & 3rd game!
‘Mass Effect 3,’ the third installment in the critically acclaimed sci-fi video game franchise, promised a “definitive conclusion” for the series’ user-generated protagonist Commander Shepard. And although ‘ME3′ only came out last week, apparently enough gamers have gotten to the end of the game fast enough to conclude that its conclusion stinks.