Recent purchases at Walmart and Safeway stores in Washington state have started getting shoppers fed up! Whether in-store or curbside pick-up, these stores need to do better regarding expired food!
Who has the best Donuts in Washington, and where can we get our hands on them? Luckily we did some studying and found the top 5 donut shops in all of Washington!
I've seen the Twin Brook Creamery milk selection at Wray's for the past few months and usually pass on it just by nature of I keep getting the same 2% milk as I always have, but the other day I felt adventurous and grabbed one. I'm so glad I did.
The California Strawberry Commission reports acreage in Oxnard was down slightly this season, but higher-yielding varieties have resulted in record levels of production.
A survey shows consumers wants the FDA to enforce existing regulations and prohibit non-dairy beverage companies from using the term "milk" on their product labels.
The USDA is still working through rates for the second round of the market facilitation program. That announcement is expected to come after December 3rd.