Portland is all about staying Weird, however, some of Oregon's Laws may stop you from doing that. These are the top 5 Weirdest Laws to exist in all of Oregon.
I am not sure if I believe this story or not, but the tabloids say it is true. A passenger on a British Airways flight to Dubai this spring took a crap that stunk up the plane so badly it was forced to land.
"Oh No! My Beard Has Poop In It! Looks like it's time for decapitation... or maybe I can just comb it out?" Yep, you heard right, a new study out of New Mexico has warned that facial hair may be dirtier than your toilet!
Ever given a cow pie to your neighbor? Well 51-year-old Kimberly Capdevila decided to do just that to her Iowa neighbor over the neighbor's complaints about her barking dog. Where do you go to send a package like that?
I can see if it was an animal or a homeless person but a woman who is out breathing in fresh air and getting her 'Run On' is also getting her 'Poop On' over and over again in the same place!
There’s really no clever way to say this, so we’ll just come out and say it: a woman in China was caught on-camera pooping on an elevator in a subway station.