Live stand-up comedy returns to Yakima this weekend at The Seasons Performance Hall this weekend and we have some free tickets for your live streaming entertainment from the comfort of your own home!
The way we watch television has dramatically changed, for the better, I feel, because there are so many more choices and ways to watch a seemingly endless litany of programming. One of the great advancements would certainly be the availability of 'On-Demand' viewing. One doesn't even have to plan ahead and set up a recording, you just watch it when you have time. This also has led many to 'binge-watching'
MXC was a phenomenon that took place on Spike TV in the 2000's. It was, at it's core, a Japanese game show that was completely re-edited with English dubbing and new rules to hold everything all together. It would be obstacle courses like hopping from stone to stone in a body of water where some sink when you step on them or walking across rolling logs hoping not to fall in the water...