Local Businesses in the Yakima Valley have been the target of multiple Robberies in the last few months, here are 3 reasons why others should be weary and have a watchful eye.
A guy in Sacramento, California broke into an animal shelter recently and tried to steal their gumball machine... by taking it out the way he broke in, via the doggy door.
In China's Quangang, Fujian province, a ten year-old girl is now in big trouble after she stole $1,600 from a cell phone shop to buy video games. Had it not been for the security cameras catching a video of her crawling on the floor, she would've gotten away with it too.
Theft charges serious enough to warrant a jury trial typically involve stolen goods that are pretty expensive (just ask Lindsay Lohan about that).
But you don’t have to steal high-dollar stuff to get in that kind of trouble — in fact, a New Mexico college student is about to go on trial for allegedly forgetting to pay for a $2 pumpkin.
Roger Kline may have saved the day when a thief tried to make good with over $1,600 in merchandise, but his instinct to tackle the sticky-fingered customer didn't save his job. In fact, it got him fired.