What Does ‘Milk Chocolate Flavored’ Mean? If It’s Not Chocolate, What Is It?
Easter is one of my favorite holidays. Not because I'm religious, but because I love candy. For the past few years I've noticed larger chocolate bunnies and more labeled as 'milk chocolate flavored'. My question is, "if it's flavored like milk chocolate, that must mean it's not chocolate." But what could it be if it's not chocolate? I had to find out.
What I found out wasn't too surprising. If you look at the ingredients you'll see cocoa and others that are still chocolate, but it doesn't quite contain enough to be considered chocolate.
It's no different than Velveeta, Pringles and some 'ice cream'. Velveeta is a combination of ingredients that also has some cheese product in it (like whey), but not enough to be considered cheese. That's why it says 'Pasteurized Prepared Cheese Product'. Pringles are made from dehydrated potatoes and wheat along with other chemicals and aren't sliced from real potatoes so it's a 'snack crisp' or something like that. There are some ice cream that says ice cream, and some say 'frozen dairy product' because it's not enough to be real ice cream. All three of those are in my pantry or freezer right now and are delicious. They're just a cheap alternative to the real product.
So, next time you're at the store looking for Easter candy and you see something is really inexpensive, but is labeled 'chocolate flavored', now you know why it's so cheap.
The stuff that's milk chocolate flavoured might be artificially flavoured but more likely it just doesn't have enough real chocolate in it to be called "chocolate". There are rules about what you can call food, and if there isn't a certain amount of a certain ingredient in things, you have to say "flavoured" instead of calling it just chocolate. That's why the "flavoured" one is cheaper. It doesn't have as much of the real thing. Licorice is often like that, if it doesn't have enough real licorice in it but has another flavouring instead or as well. There are things that are called "cheese spread" which can't be called cheese for the same reason.