safeco field

Safeco Superstore
Safeco Superstore
Safeco Superstore
Having been to a Mariners game and experienced the prices for a beer and a tiny bowl of Dippin Dots I've often wondered in my tiny mind how that would translate if they sold for the same price in bulk if they were a grocery store instead. So this is the flyer Todd and I imagined the ad Safeco Superstore would circulate to advertise their "specials": -Aquafina in the 24 pack just $96... R
Hawks' eye view
Hawks' eye view
Hawks' eye view
I fly out of Yakima every six weeks or so on average, and like everyone else, I have to catch a connecting flight in Seattle. What's cool is that on the way back the flight path takes you right past downtown Seattle, CenturyLink Field and Safeco Field so you can always get some great shots like the one I took above a couple of months ago...
Seattle On A Budget
Seattle On A Budget
Seattle On A Budget
My nephew Nic flew up from California to check out Seattle for the first time this weekend and we did the typical touristy things... on a budget. So for instance, we went to the Space Needle to take a ride to the top... until we realized it was going to cost 22 frickin' dollars...
Best of the ballparks
Best of the ballparks
Best of the ballparks
Recently, Lauren Paul of compiled a ranking of all 30 Major League Ballparks and Stadiums from worst to first. Where did Safeco Field in Seattle -- home of the Mariners -- rate?
Happy Jackie Robinson Day!
Happy Jackie Robinson Day!
Happy Jackie Robinson Day!
I often hear from friends and family that professional sports are not "important."  That if people cared as much about their communities as a whole as they did about whether or not their team won or lost, the world might be a better place. I say that sports aren't, ultimately, important -- except when they are. If the Mariners win tonight will world peace be achieved?  Of course not. Can
Top 10 Baseball Parks For Craft Brew
Top 10 Baseball Parks For Craft Brew
Top 10 Baseball Parks For Craft Brew
If you are tired of going to the ballgame only to be gouged a high price for cheap beer, then this list is for you. The folks at have rated the 10 best cities to get good beer at a major league park.
Mariners Fan Catches Foul Ball In His Beer Cup
Mariners Fan Catches Foul Ball In His Beer Cup
Mariners Fan Catches Foul Ball In His Beer Cup
In last night's debacle at SafeCo Field, where the Mariners dropped their second consecutive game to the Houston Lastros. The one highlight for the local nine didn't even occur on the field but, rather, at the hand (and cup!) of a fan who made what is arguably the greatest foul ball catch ever. His post-souvenir celebration may have actually trumped the catch itself! Watch and learn from what is c