On July 7, 1999, Dave Whipple bought a McDonald's hamburger. The Utah man didn't intend to eat it, but instead he wanted to prove that the burger was so pumped full of preservatives that it would look the same after a month.
A.J. Clemente's first day at his new job couldn't have gone any worse. The new weekend news anchor for KFYR, the NBC affiliate in Bismarck, North Dakota, managed to kick off his on-air career with a live mic gaffe consisting of two of the seven dirty words which George Carlin famously explained you can never say on television.
If you're a gamer and you find yourself a girlfriend who also loves spending marathon sessions in front of a screen you should probably seriously consider locking her down for life.
That's what Redditor Marchaka was thinking with his special lady Michelle, who shares his passion for video games. So, despite his limited coding experience, Marchaka decided to craft an elaborate role playing game for
Ridiculously Photogenic Convict Meagan Simmons Opens Up About Internet Fame
Thanks to a mugshot from three years ago, Meagan Simmons became an internet star late last week.
A Reddit user noticed that Simmons, then named Meagan McCullough, looked unusually good in the booking photo that was taken after her arrest for reckless driving in 2010. So they made it into an advice animal meme, with the caption "Wanted...in 50 states."
Earlier this year the internet brought something very important about goats to our attention. When the can-eating animals scream they sound an awful lot like a person who has either witnessed a great horror or suffered a devastating injury.
It's becoming harder and harder to pull a good April Fool's Day prank. We blame the internet for this, as not long after you log on you are reminded of the tricky nature of April 1 and thus put your guard up.
Drunk Woman Takes Off Pants, Flees Cops In Toy Truck
Jamie Craft of Jonesboro, Arkansas has herself quite a Tuesday.
The 28-year old kicked of her midweek adventure by getting good and drunk and crashing her Trans Am into the side of a mobile home. Mind you this was a proper, adult sized Trans Am, which becomes important later in this tale and also made what she did a pretty serious crime.
Man Calls 911 Nine Times to Request a Cheeseburger
There is just something about fast food that makes people abuse 911. In the past, folks have been arrested after calling emergency services to report problems with their orders at Burger King, McDonald's, Subway and Hardee's.
If there is one thing the internet has taught us it's that people really love bacon. A coffee house in Cheltenham, England is betting that there are folks out there who love the cured meat so much that they would be willing to shell out 150 pounds ($237) for what they are calling the Bacon Bling sandwich.
Woman Has Had the Same Song Stuck In Her Head For Three Years
A song like Carly Rae Jepsen's 'Call Me Maybe' is called an earworm for the insidious way it tunnels into your brain and gets stuck inside your head.
The medical term for this is tinnitus, which is a legitimate condition that causes a sufferer to hallucinate songs in their head on an endless loop.
Being a teenager is a perilous time in one's life as a not-quite fully developed brain will cause the teen to make all kinds of questionable decisions.
Now thanks to a new phenomenon called sleep-texting, the teenager can even make these bad decisions while they are catching z's.