The Yakima Health District is tired of playing with y'all who are refusing to wear face masks.

They just issued a directive that beginning Wednesday, June 3rd, all residents in Yakima County should begin wearing a face mask at public spaces, both indoors and outside. This would include essential businesses like grocery stores, gas stations, banks, public parks, etc. In regards to needing to wear a face mask in outdoor settings, the District is not recommending the need for one if you will be at least 6 feet away from others in the course of your outside activity, such as engaging in exercise, neighborhood walks or runs, etc.

There will be no penalties for not wearing a personal protection equipment, but wearing them is highly recommended by the Health District.

For more details on which places we are being directed to wear a face mask, click here.

The sooner we can get everyone to start wearing these face masks, HOPEFULLY the sooner we can get the daily rate of coronavirus infections down. The sooner we can get these infection rates down, Yakima County can move to Phase 2 openings under the executive order from Governor Inslee.

This admonition does not apply to those aged 2 years and younger nor does it apply to those with certain disabilities which make wearing a face mask detrimental to their health.

The other piece of this new directive is that all Yakima County businesses open to the public during this time must post a sign to encourage face mask usage in their building. Businesses can download a free copy of a sign here for English and here for Spanish.

Here are some tips for self-care during the pandemic:

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