Gray Wolf Management Will Be Handed Back to Individual States
This week, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), announced it will soon propose a rule to de-list the gray wolf in the lower 48 states and return management of the species back to the states and tribes. According to a press release from Rep. Dan Newhouse:
“The recovery of the gray wolf is a success story for the Endangered Species Act, and the best available science must determine whether species remain listed. States are best-equipped to effectively manage gray wolves and respond to the needs of the ecosystem and local communities. I am pleased that this bipartisan legislation to return management of the gray wolf species to the states, as requested by the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife and as proposed by the Obama administration, has been approved by the House. I urge prompt consideration in the Senate.”
Enjoying watching a wolfpack punked in deep snow chasing longer-legged elk.
And now back to our topic.....and this about the gray wolf from the Congressman's email to constituents:
"The best available science shows that the gray wolf have been successfully recovered from the danger of extinction and no longer requires federal protection. We can see in Washington that the wolf population is growing quickly, and we should be encouraging states and local stakeholders to collaborate and effectively manage wolf populations, like they have in Washington state. I applaud FWS for moving forward with this proposal."
Watch Rep. Newhouse here:
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