Increase Proposed Volumes of Bio-diesel; Farm Groups Wanting a Quick Pass to Exporting to Cuba
A bipartisan group of 36 senators are urging the EPA to increase the proposed volumes set for biodiesel production under the federal Renewable Fuel Standard. The senators wrote to the EPA expressing concern the current RFS proposal fails to recognize the domestic biodiesel industry’s production capacity. The senators noted that the EPA’s prior delays in setting biodiesel volumes led to uncertainty and hardship for U.S. biodiesel producers and thousands of their employees, causing reduced production and even shutdowns, leading to layoffs and lost economic productivity.
Farm groups are applauding the opening of the Cuban Embassy in Washington while urging Congress to quickly pass the Freedom to Export to Cuba Act of 2015. National Farmers Union President Roger Johnson said “Congress should move quickly to knock down those self-imposed, outdated trade barriers,” the trade barriers being the embargo that has been in place for more than 50 years. Johnson noted that full resumption of trade with Cuba would be the next logical step in a complete normalization of the relationship.