Around these parts, there are a lot of recreational river runners. I am one of them. On the Tieton River, September is "Flip Flop" season -- time to rage down 12 miles of amazing river and experience some Class III rapids.

What is the "Flip Flop,"  you ask?The "Flip Flop" is when officials open Tieton Dam and begin the annual release of water stored all summer at Rimrock Lake. Tons of swift-flowing water pour out, creating ideal conditions for amazing rides for us recreational water nuts!

It's the craziest time of the year for guide services like Osprey Rafting Co.

So don't miss out on raging rivers or any other kind of rage this month. Listen up to Todd & Andy and Kelly West for "Drilling in the Name Of" and identify the celebrity making whoopee over the air -- it's your chance to win tickets for Prophets of Rage, playing the White River Amphitheatre Sept. 10.

See you downstream!



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