Motley Crue’s Nikki Sixx found himself screaming for his own ‘Dr. Feelgood’ after hurting himself onstage during their summer tour. With lingering joint problems from the injury he underwent knee surgery on Wednesday (Oct. 19).

The rocker took to Twitter post surgery to let fans know everything went a-okay and to provide a laugh or two, “Surgery was a breeze. Now I’m under doctor (Courtney Bingham’s) care.” ‘Doctor’ Bingham is Nikki’s current girlfriend who seems to be taking great care of the rocker and his bum knee.

Proving that rock stars truly are medical miracles, a day after surgery Sixx is already trying to do more than he should, telling Twitter followers, “Today is a good day to ditch the crutches and break out one of my sick canes I collect.”

His efforts were thwarted when Dr. Bingham caught onto his plan, “Already got in trouble with Courtney for not resting. Good thing she’s asleep right now, I can catch up on my jumping jacks.”

Easy does it Mr. Sixx, easy does it! Here’s wishing you a speedy recovery!

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