It is not often that something from Yakima goes viral, so when it happens, we have GOT to talk about it! You can thank TikTok for the long line of cars you see going around the block near S 3rd Ave and Pine.

Panaderia Solecito Drink
Panaderia El Solecito via TikTok

This past Sunday, I decided to go do some shopping and I was headed to Valley Mall in Union Gap. Along the way, I drove down South 3rd Ave, and I saw a crap ton of cars filling up the street in the left lane. There had to be at least 30 to 40 cars waiting in line.

"There's not a new church or a food bank that sprang up over there or something?" I asked myself in the car. (Yes, I talk to myself, frequently.)

I slowed down a little bit and cranked my neck to turn and see where all those cars were going. I know that the Yakima Valley Trolley Museum station is right there on the corner, so I wondered if perhaps there was a private shindig happening at the museum, but nope, that wasn't it. The cars were waiting in line to get something from a tiny store but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what kind of store it was. Turns out, that tiny store is a restaurant named Panaderia El Solecito. I had never heard of it but as KNDO reporters found out, this bakery has been and continues to be making big waves out there in Social Medialand.

Panaderia El Solecito has over 279,000 followers on TikTok (plus one and that's me) and at least two and a half million likes. Yes, you read that right. A teeny, tiny Yakima bakery has over 2,500,000 likes on its TikTok page!

Some of the comments on their TikTok page include statements like, "Why can't there be one in Chicago?", and "Road trip. That place looks bomb. About 2-hour drive", and "We need one in New Zealand asap!" This place has fans from all over the world and they WISH they could be near Yakima, Washington! I love to hear that people are dying to come to Yakima and visit this place.

I am so excited about this, you have no idea!


Here's one of Panaderia El Solecito's viral videos below that garnered nearly 384,000 likes alone.
"DEFINITELY FRAMING OUR $20 TIP❤️ Thank you for serving our country! #FYP #washington #foryoupage" is the caption on the video. It goes on to show that customers are driving some five (5) hours away just to get one of their drinks served in an adorable teddy bear to-go cup and one fruity-looking drink is served in a humongous "hurricane cup". (Yes, you DO get to keep the glasses!)

@panaderiaelsolecitowaDEFINITELY FRAMING OUR $20 TIP❤️ Thank you for serving our country! ##FYP ##washington ##foryoupage

♬ YRN (tik tok) - Tyler April


Here is another viral TikTok video and it has almost 339,000 likes!

Cheers to the weekend! ##FYP ##washington ##foryoupage

♬ Streets (Disclosure Remix) - Doja Cat

I'm definitely going to have to make friends with the owners and workers so I can skip the line if they'll let me! I want one of their drinks but I'm not waiting for an hour just to get a taste. Ain't nobody got time for that, except if you are from out of town. HA!

Follow them on TikTok at @panaderiasolecityowa.

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