Steve Hahn’s Toys for Tots Drive Begins Dec 11th – Dec 21st
Tomorrow is the big day for everyone who loves to help support our local families in Yakima. Every year Steve Hahn's Auto Group hosts a Toys for Tots drive, located at 1730 S 1st St, Yakima, WA 98901, and this year's no different.
Beginning on Friday, December 11th from 6 am until 6 pm the Marines will be dressed in their blues waving eager givers into the parking lot for a toy drop off. They will be gloved and wearing masks due to Covid-19 but nothing is going to stop the giving this year.
The ask is for donations of brand new unwrapped toys for ages 1-17 however if you'd like to get specific there is a shortage of gifts for boys ages 12-15. All the toys donated are provided to families right here in the Yakima Valley.
Covid-19 has made it more difficult than ever for families to provide for their own so if you are able to give in any way it would be greatly appreciated. If purchasing toys isn't what you are interested in you can always provide a cash donation or write a check, it should be addressed to Toys for Tots. One of the most awesome things is the Marines have teamed up with a few different businesses who are willing to match monetary donations, dollar for dollar. The earlier you bring in your donation the earlier they can start the shopping and checking off the kids the list. Naughty or nice, like Oprah says, "you get a toy and you get a toy and you get a toy and everyone gets a toy!"
CHECK THEM OUT: 100 years of Christmas toys, gifts and fads
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