Considering that one of the biggest cash crops in the Yakima Valley are apples, it is a bit surprising that this wasn't bigger news in these parts. Apparently, without much fanfare, the state of of Washington's oldest living apple tree has finally died at the ripe old age of 194 years.
We love our jobs here at KATS but you've heard the phrase "The worst day playing golf is better than the best day at work" haven't you. For us that usually doesn't apply but it does for most people I know.
Well the most luxurious golf course we have in the Yakima Valley is obviously Apple Tree...
Yakima's Apple Tree Resort, the picturesque West Valley golf course, is well above par with golfers, according to new Golf Advisors ratings for our state.
Well, Cyndi is teaching me that is for sure! Good tips from her if you would like to learn and let me know if you do. We will go to Apple Tree and play a round!