Yakima Police Paint Grim Picture of Holiday Package TheftYakima Police Paint Grim Picture of Holiday Package TheftHow do you protect yourself during the holidays? Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Watch Where You Send Your Packages Porch Pirates Are BusyWatch Where You Send Your Packages Porch Pirates Are BusyHe says always lock doors of homes and vehicles and if you are going shopping remember to never leave your package in plain view Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Almost Time For the Package Theft Shoplifting Season in YakimaAlmost Time For the Package Theft Shoplifting Season in YakimaThe giving season, Christmas is right around the corner. It's a busy time for everyone including Yakima Police.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Waiting for a Package? Yakima Police Say Watch Your PorchWaiting for a Package? Yakima Police Say Watch Your PorchWarm up auto theft is also a big problem during the winter months. Lance TormeyLance Tormey