
Breast Implants, Pirate’s Ransom and 5 Other Weirdest Tax Write-Offs of All Time
Breast Implants, Pirate’s Ransom and 5 Other Weirdest Tax Write-Offs of All Time
Breast Implants, Pirate’s Ransom and 5 Other Weirdest Tax Write-Offs of All Time
Tax time can be very frustrating when you realize you’re not going to get as big of a refund as you were expecting, or worse, you’re going to have to send the IRS a check. So it’s no wonder people might ask if their pet counts as a dependent (it doesn’t) or if they can write off that new suit jacket (probably not).
The Most Liberal Dollar You’ve Ever Seen [PHOTO]
The Most Liberal Dollar You’ve Ever Seen [PHOTO]
The Most Liberal Dollar You’ve Ever Seen [PHOTO]
My grandma received this as change the other day. What was she buying? I don't know, 'Grandma Stuff', why would I know? All I know is when I was at her house last past weekend she showed me this. Like any well-respected human, I immediately took a picture of it so I could throw it on our website...
Seven Ridiculous State Taxes
Seven Ridiculous State Taxes
Seven Ridiculous State Taxes
While doing (and paying) your taxes is the opposite of a good time, there are some taxes that are so ridiculous, they're actually kind of fun. Well, maybe not so fun if you actually live in one of these states. Check out our list of seven ridiculous state taxes: