Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed a bill yesterday that makes even holding a phone - or any other electronic device, for that matter - against the law effective mid-July.
Let’s face it, we’re living in an increasingly digital world. Even toddlers are walking around with Instagram on their smart phones. In theory this should make us the communication generation. But we’re not. Check out these great texting fails for proof!
It doesn't matter which way we spin it; breaking up stinks. (Unless, of course, you're the breaker-upper, in which case it's like a cause for celebration.) Either way, cutting the relationship cord has gotten a bit easier ever since text messaging hit the scene. As it turns out, break up texts can be hilarious.
Being a teenager is a perilous time in one's life as a not-quite fully developed brain will cause the teen to make all kinds of questionable decisions.
Now thanks to a new phenomenon called sleep-texting, the teenager can even make these bad decisions while they are catching z's.
Texting while driving isn’t the only way to endanger your life with a smartphone. It turns out that texting while flying is spectacularly dangerous, too.
According to a survey of 2,227 adults by the Pew Research Center, the average text message user sends or receives an average of 41.5 messages a day.
How much someone texts is not surprisingly tied to how old they are. Those in the 18-to-29 age group send or receive an average of 87.7 texts a day, whereas that total is only 4.7 for those in the 65-and-over group.