
Using Physics To Get Out Of A Ticket, It Pays To Be A Geek
Using Physics To Get Out Of A Ticket, It Pays To Be A Geek
Using Physics To Get Out Of A Ticket, It Pays To Be A Geek
Dmirti Krioukov used physics to get out of  $400 traffic fine. He got the ticket because he supposedly didn't come to a complete stop at a stop sign. To get out of the ticket he wrote a 4 page paper explaining that the officer saw a hypothetical object instead of reality which was different...
Cell Phone Could Earn You Speeding Ticket
Cell Phone Could Earn You Speeding Ticket
Cell Phone Could Earn You Speeding Ticket
Keep your radar detector, but shut off your smart phone…that is if you want to speed. In an new initiative to keep drivers from being distracted by their cell phones, the Highway Electronic Radio Enforcement Squad (HERES) has been created...