Todd’s Take: COVID-19 Has Turned Me Into an Amazon Prime Ho
December of 2018, my old morning show partner Hendo, was extolling the virtues of Amazon Prime. I had heard of Amazon, of course, but didn't know what a Prime account was. He explained that for a flat yearly fee, you would get free, two-day shipping on anything (plus music and movies!). I thought to myself that I really didn't do enough shopping to make it worth my while.
That said, Christmas was coming up FAST and I hadn't done any shopping up to that point. I decided to try it on the month-by-month plan to see if it was all that he said it was.
Fast forward to present day... Thanks, in part, to COVID-19, I am now officially an Amazon Prime ho.
First of all, I really dread the shopping experience to begin with. Being able to order an item on my computer or my phone saving gas and time on trips to various stores was a godsend for me. Secondly, other than the staples that are perishable (eggs, milk, bread, etc.) there is virtually nothing I can't wait a day or two to have. Amazon makes it waayyy too easy! (Shoutout to all of the USPS, FedEx, UPS and other parcel delivery servicemen and women for busting their butts during this pandemic!)
Last, dare I say it... the 'Rona. I really don't feel like being shamed for wearing/not wearing a facemask into a public place and Amazon eliminates that for me altogether.
Over the last few weeks, here are some of the totally random things I've ordered:
Had to get the hot tub primed for summer. Oh, look who was buying facemasks before it was cool? Notice the date? November 3rd! Am I a clairvoyant?
When you've got a tool as big as mine, you need a shed. Then again, my wife asked for rechargeable batteries. Should I take a hint? :)
Gotta get the yard looking good!
Bounce because I hate static cling (I do a lot of laundry in our home!), AA batteries because I have a 15 year-old that goes through them like water, and supplements to keep me from losing my mind!
My sleepy time all-natural supplement plus, finally, getting around to organizing my DVD collection!
We have two cats and I have periodontal disease.
How about you? Have you found yourself doing more shopping online? Let me know your habits and how they might have changed since coronavirus. Send me a message via the free 94.5 KATS mobile app!

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