White Pass Ski Area Names Friday as Opening Day 2022
It's official. Wax up the skis because it's time to have fun in the mountains.The snow is falling in the Washington Cascades and skiers and riders are getting excited about another upcoming season that starts on Friday at the White Pass Ski area.
Early storms have filled many resorts which are also making snow
Early storms that have hit the mountains mean many resorts are opening this weekend. Officials at the White Pass Ski Area say they're watching forecasts that are promising lots of snow. White Pass Ski Area spokesperson Kathleen Goyette says natural snow coupled with a lot of snow making is the reason for the Friday opening.
Because the snow is thin is some areas Goyette says White Pass may have to close the ski area on Monday or Tuesday to cover thin areas but that may not be needed if more snow falls between now and next week. Many skiers are getting ready for the season or are already ready. The only area that's been open for the last two weeks in the state is Mission Ridge Ski area in Wenatchee. The area has been open the last two weekends.
If you're skiing tickets will be available on Thursday
Remember if you're skiing Friday at White Pass for opening day you'll need your pass or a day ticket available at skiwhitepass.com Tickets will be available starting on Thursday. The storm on Wednesday will determine what chairlifts and runs will be open on Friday.
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