Yakima City Council members meet Tuesday at Yakima City Hall. The meeting starts at 5:30 pm. The council has a short agenda. One item on the agenda however is expected to generate a lot of discussion.

Council members are concerned about people who live in vehicles on city streets

The council will talk about the possibility of designating a city owned parking lot or property a "safe parking area" for those who are homeless but live in vehicles in the city of Yakima. At its December 7, 2021 meeting, the Yakima City Council passed a motion to “designate parking lot(s) for Homestead Act vehicles on City-owned land east of I-82 with a behavior management system, contiguous fence, gates, site management and monitoring as well as any other applicable condition as established by formal agreements with other entities or by law.”

The council will consider a number of parking lots and properties

City officials say the staff conducted a GIS analysis of all city-owned properties east of Interstate 82. The analysis found there are five city-owned properties with existing parking lots, and two undeveloped city-owned properties east of I-82 for the council to consider.

City staff says it's too expensive

However the recommendation to the council from city staff isn't in favor of the proposal;
"Based on the costs involved and the need for additional research, staff does not recommend proceeding with this option at this time."
The council will also hear a presentation from Yakima County Development Association on its 2021 Annual Report.

You can watch it live on Zoom or attend the meeting at city hall

The meeting will be held in a Zoom/in-person hybrid format:

For those attending in person at Yakima City Hall, 129 N. 2nd Street, the City is required to follow the Governor’s Proclamation regarding face coverings. Every person entering City Hall, including those entering to attend a City Council meeting, are required to wear a face covering that covers their nose and mouth at all times. Masks will be available in the alcove at City Hall.

The meeting will be available live via Zoom. Live public comment on agenda items via Zoom is available. Click Public Comment | City Council (yakimawa.gov) for instructions and a Public Comment Request Form.

Another option is to call in and listen to the meeting:
Dial 1-253-215-8782 or 1-971-247-1195
When prompted for the meeting ID enter 937 7409 8877 #
When prompted for the participant ID enter #
When prompted for the meeting password enter 502385 #

The February 1st Yakima City Council regular meeting will air live at 5:30 pm on Y-PAC, Charter Spectrum Channel 194, and be streamed live at https://www.yakimawa.gov/council/live-stream/

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