Hospitals in the state are warning they could be busy this summer because of the increase in COVID-19 spreading in communities in Washington State. Yakima Health District officials say there have been 269 cases have been reported since May 27 with 9 people hospitalized. The infection rate is 196 cases per 100,000 over the last 14 days. At the height of the pandemic the infection rate was upwards of 500 to 700 cases per 100,000.

You can find vaccine in the community or at the clinic this month

The COVID-19 vaccine is available throughout the community at grocery and pharmacies. The vaccine is also available at a free clinic set to happen on Tuesday, June 14 in the parking lot at West Valley Junior High School at 7505 Zier Road from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Health officials say the COVID-19 vaccine will be available to anyone 5 years and older and booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine will also be available for eligible groups.

Hospital officials in other parts of the state are already warning of a possible surge in cases and hospitalizations. They're making warnings now because they say they want people to know the rise in cases will likely impact people looking for treatments of other health problems or emergencies.

State hospital officials say some patients are on ventilators

According to the Associated Press "Washington State Hospital Association CEO Cassie Sauer says at the end of last week, almost 600 people with COVID-19 were in hospitals across the state with about 20-25 patients a day on ventilators. That compares with an average of around 230 hospitalized cases daily in April. Hospital officials on Monday implored people to wear high-quality masks indoors in crowded, public spaces, and to get COVID-19 booster shots."

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