There is certainly something bitter-sweet about the musical tale of 'Frosty The Snowman'. It's an annual favorite among Christmas Music lovers, young and old alike. I think that perhaps there's a valuable life lesson that emerges from the song's lyrics.

Songwriters: Steve Nelson / Walter Jack Rollins -- Frosty the Snowman lyrics © Chappell & Co., Inc.

"But he waved goodbye saying,
"Don't you cry,
I'll be back again someday."

It's kind of 'glass half full' way of looking at things. The message is basically,  I'm melting my way to utter destruction and elimination from existence, but, hey, I'll be coming back 'someday', so, chill out.

Given recent events in my yard, I'm going to have to employ similar 'think of the bright side' tactics with my grandkids, who helped to build 'Boogie Boy The Snowman' after our Christmas snowfall. Max aged 7 and Maya aged 5 worked very hard to help create a snowman who was both attractive and socially aware (his 92.9 The BULL Facemask) but also proudly displaying his Seahawks 12-ness!

Brian Stephenson
Brian Stephenson

The kids are back at home in Seattle and I'm trying to find a way to break the news to them that not only has 'Boogie Boy the Snowman' melted down to almost nothing, save for a small portion of his lower body and his two detached birch branch arms on the ground next to it, but he was brutally and viciously decapitated just two days after we made him. Yep, some mindless vandal not only ripped BBTSM's head off and callously threw it into the street, but they also stole his Seahawks stocking cap!

Brian Stephenson
Brian Stephenson

Since Mr. Nelson and Mr. Rollins so artfully laid the groundwork for breaking the news of the natural disappearance of a snowman to kids, I think I'll forego the telling of the violent end and stick with the 'he'll be back again someday' angle.

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