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Wow! There are a ton of social media hangouts around our lives now. Pinterest, MySpace, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ...
Watch This Guy Put So-Called Mediums on TV to Shame [Video]
Watch This Guy Put So-Called Mediums on TV to Shame [Video]
Watch This Guy Put So-Called Mediums on TV to Shame [Video]
If you've ever watched TV shows like 'Long Island Medium,' you've seen the stunned looks on people's faces when the psychics start to get positive "hits." The guy in the video above amazes strangers with specific information, but there's one catch: he's not even a little bit psychic.
Use Hashtag #kats On Instagram
Use Hashtag #kats On Instagram
Use Hashtag #kats On Instagram
Instagram isn't just another free app that can make anyone who takes pictures on their cell phone seem like a professional photographer, it's also a great social media picture sharing tool. We want to see all of the best pictures you have by making your Instagrammed pictures appear on katsfm...
Instagram #kats Pictures
Here are all of your awesome pictures. If you want your pictures to appear here, use the hashtag #kats. Keep it clean, of course, but whatever you want to take a picture of. You and your friends, your cat, clouds, what you're having for dinner - whatever's good!