Watch a 12-Year-Old Totally Bust a Cop for Illegal Parking
At one point or another, we've all witnessed cops ignoring parking rules, but a 12-year-old boy named Jeremy Drew actually decided to do something about it. And, he got it all on tape. Way to go kid! Maybe there's a future for you in internal affairs.
In the video, Drew approaches a motorcycle cop who left his bike on the sidewalk in Las Vegas while he went to buy a Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee. "Is there a reason for you to park on the sidewalk?," the boy asks. "Is it an emergency or anything?"
When Drew asks for his badge number, the cop immediately gets defensive. "What are you a junior lawyer?," snaps the annoyed police officer.
Needless to say, the cop refuses to produce his credentials and then accuses the boy of loitering. At that point, Drew wisely hightails it out of there with video evidence in hand.
What do you think of the video? Was Drew right to bust the cop for illegal parking or was he just being disrespectful?
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