If you want to win a rod and reel combo in time for Springer Season, you need to stop by our friends at OAK CREEK ACE HARDWARE and get signed up today! (Plus win a fishing in 2017 with Chrome Dome Adventures).

After the preliminary season forecast was announced last week, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife have released the full schedule for the upcoming season and fishing regulations for anglers on the mainstem Columbia River.

The Columbia River will also be open for retention of adipose fin-clipped steelhead from Buoy 10 to the Highway 395 Bridge during the spring run from March 16 through May 15.

Aside from the salmon seasons we told you about last week on the lower river, the section we all fish is open March 16 through June 15 when the Columbia from the Tower Island power lines (approximately 6 miles below The Dalles Dam) upstream to the Washington/Oregon state line is open to fishing for hatchery spring chinook. Daily salmonid limit 6 fish (hatchery chinook or hatchery steelhead), of which no more than 2 can be adults, and no more than 1 may be an adult chinook. Release all wild chinook and wild steelhead. Salmon minimum size: 12 inches.

Tight Lines!



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