5 Things You Can Do in Yakima Now that Kids are Back in School in Yakima
Today was the first day back for the Yakima School District. Proud moms and dads wishing a 'fare-thee-well' to their kids for better education, life skills they can take with them to their selected career paths of their choice, and learning how to talk to people and make new friends -- it's all part of the school experience. It can also be a sign of relief that you have your place back to yourself without needing that daytime attention they sometimes require or let you do what you want without their need to tag along. Now that school is back, here are 10 things you can do now that your kids are back in school.
Go on a lunch date
There was nothing stopping you from doing this during the summer but with your kids home no doubt they'd wanna come along. Of course they're welcome but it's nice to just have a grown-up chat with your significant other without someone begging for an extra order of mozzarella sticks.
Go on a walk
Yes, on purpose. Now that the heatwave has finally settled a little you can walk the neighborhood or go to a park and enjoy nature.
Go grocery shopping
I'm sure you went shopping during the summer, too, but imagine walking up and down the grocery aisles without random items magically appearing in your shopping cart. I can't tell you how many times I was oblivious to this to get home and unpack to find Flamin' Hot Cheetos or Red Bull that I promise I didn't put in the shopping cart.
Watch what you want to watch
Pop on that boring show in Netflix, tune in to that ultra-violent show in HBO Max, watch want you want on YouTube without your kids coming in requesting you to turn it off so they can show you something they think it neat. Spoiler Alert, that YouTube or TikTok they think is hilarious probably isn't.
That's right, do nothing. Nothing of importance. The dishes in the sink? Leave them for your kids. The laundry? Do it later when you have help. Just sit on the couch and do nothing. Stare at the wall listening to the hum of the lights. Eat a bowl of Fruity Pebbles while staring blankly at the magnets on your fridge. Walk around in your underwear, it doesn't matter, your kids are at school. You've already done that. You've earned the right to chill, breath deeply and enjoy the silence.