94.5 KATS Wants You To Know the Riggs Family Like We Do and Why We Are Helping Them Raise Money For Children’s Village [VIDEO]
Like you, the people at our job become an extended family. When your co-worker is going through difficulties, you feel for them and want to help. For us here at 94.5 KATS, our co-worker John Riggs and his family, wife Michele, daughters Laura and Lily and son Jaron, have extra special needs with their boy and we want you to hear there story and then consider donating to Children's Village here in Yakima via the Children's Miracle Network.
This Friday (Oct. 20) is the annual Radiothon for Children’s Miracle Network, brought to you by Standard Paint and Flooring. The “One Call, One Miracle Radiothon” runs on Newstalk 1280 KIT from 6 a.m. 6 p.m. All money raised stays at home to benefit the Children’s Village in Yakima and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Virginia Mason Memorial Hospital. Pacific Northwest University is sponsoring the Verizon Wireless Phone bank. When you call to make your donation, you will be talking to one of our Children’s Miracle Network volunteers. Let them know how much you can spare and they will take that information down and send you a receipt.
The call-in number is (509) 424-0583. You can also donate directly online at this link.
Our Children’s Village and NICU at Virginia Mason Memorial Hospital in Yakima Valley helps hundreds of children each year. Your donation is extremely important to the care of the children and their families.