Columbia River Salmon Seasons Finalized
Did someone say Buoy 10?
Well, they have set the seasons you've been waiting to know about all spring for the Columbia River.
After wrapping up the North Of Falcon meetings, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife released what considered the highlights of the major Columbia River salmon fisheries this year. Full details on the fall runs will be forthcoming and included in the new year's Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet, which gets posted in late June.
For those wanting to know, the Super Bowl of the salmon season, or the Buoy 10 salmon fishery, will be open from Aug. 1 through Sept. 4, which happens to be Labor Day. You're going to get a daily limit of only two salmon, only one of which can be a chinook.
The summer season on the Columbia River upstream to the Highway 395 Bridge in the Tri-Cities will be open from June 16 through July 31 for hatchery summer chinook and sockeye. The daily limit will be two hatchery adults, and both chinook and steelhead must be adipose fin-clipped. All sockeye are considered adults in the daily limit.
If you love steelhead fishing into late fall, Washington and Oregon fishery managers are still working to finish up steelhead fishing options. Stay tuned and I will let you know as soon as WDFW announces the dates.