Deadline for Producers Extended; U.S. Ag Officials Visit Cuba
The deadline has been extended for producers to update yield history or reallocate base acres until March 31st. If no changes are made to yield history or base acres by March 31st - the farm’s current yield and base will be used. The deadline to choose between ARC and PLC coverage is also March 31st. Ag Secretary Vilsack says this is an important decision for producers because these programs provide financial protection against unexpected changes in the marketplace. If a choice is not made by March 31st - no 2014 payments will be made to the farm and it will default to PLC coverage through the 2018 crop year.
A delegation of U.S. ag officials visited Cuba hoping to find potential business partners and urge the U.S. Congress to lift the trade embargo against the Caribbean nation. Two former agriculture secretaries, a number of state agriculture officials and representatives of various state farm bureaus are among the 95 people whose visit was organized by the U.S. Agriculture Coalition for Cuba. The coalition says U.S. farmers are hungry for the $2 billion market so close to home and frustrated by U.S. restrictions.