Every Restroom Should Have These Supplies for Those in Need
I was in a youth hospital in Seattle a while back and had to use the restroom. I was happy, albeit a little surprised to see this attached to the wall. What a wonderful service!
Though it's been a while since I've had to use them but when I first had my babies in the mid-2000's even back then not all men's restrooms would have a baby changing station. I would also have a foam pad in our baby bag as a just in case they didn't. Because of that, I've changed several diapers on restaurant floors across the northwest.
I've only been to a couple of places before that happen to have an option like this. Sometimes it's just products for women but to see this that also has condoms and all for free, lets you know this place cares about you.
I know what you're thinking! If someone did something like this kids would take advantage of it and steal it for themselves for future use. Good. I mean, that's kind of the point. Maybe while it gets started you'll have to limit what's available and keep checking inventory to replenish later in the day.
Even if it was sponsored or something, I'd love to see more places to this in their restrooms.