Facetime Flair Now Available
Have you had a chance to use the "flair" that Apple's Facetime provides?
Apple calls them "augmented selfie covers."
Whatever they are called, they are a bunch of fun when you're talking to friends about nothing.
It can be annoying when you're checking up on your kids during the day when you're at work.
I am not sure how long the service has been available, but I just started using it after my kids used it to completely derail a house cleaning rant I was on from the comforts of my office.
I never use those apps like Instagram or Tumblr or Snapchat, which I know makes me seem old. I do not care. I have a Tumblr, I just do not like the platform's content. I do not wish to see what goes on there.
For those of us that don't like using a bunch of different apps aside from Facebook and Messenger, having some of the fun things found on those other apps on ones we already use is nice.
Of course, if you don't have an iPhone, you don't have Facetime.
To each their own, but I have used both top-end Androids and iPhones and cannot fathom ever going back to Android.