For Thanksgiving Day, Zoom Will Lift Its 40-minute Time Limit
Since T-giving gatherings are now “verboten”, we are now forced to go back to Zoom Calls to connect with others. We have become experts at this by now. Zoom is a great alternative if you don’t have an iPhone loaded with Facetime.
Zoom saw this as an opportunity to get into the holiday spirit by giving everyone unlimited access for Thanksgiving. Zoom announced it will lift its timed meeting limit on Thanksgiving so "your family gatherings don't get cut short."
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Normally Zoom limits its video calls to 40 minutes. After that, you usually get cut off.
Zoom is one of the tech companies that have emerged during ‘Rona. There is a good chance your office uses it and your kids have used it early on in school. This non-time limit is great news is for those of us who have loved ones we won't see during the holiday. Its also a great way to catch up with family that is out of state or for those you haven’t talked to in a while.
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For first time users, just be aware of the camera "on" and "off" function. This could save you a ton of potential embarrassment. We plan on using Zoom to catch up with my daughters and Lisa’s son on Thanksgiving as they don’t have iPhones with Facetime.
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So it’s great that Zoom is doing this for Thanksgiving. The down side? Having no set time limit on the weird, forced family conversations.
All My Best,
The JimShow
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